Monday, November 26, 2012

Period 4C/5A -- Fahrenheit 451 #2 -- English 10

Fahrenheit 451 "Part 2: The Sieve and the Sand "


First, choose just TWO questions from the eight below and write at least a one paragraph response for each of the questions you chose. Put both paragraph responses under the same comment. Include any evidence from the reading to prove your arguments (your point of views).

Next, after you have written your comments, then write a one to two sentence reply to someone else's paragraphs.

Finally, this blog assignment is due no later than 9 AM on Friday, November 26.

Here are the questions. Remember to choose only two to answer.

  1. What is the meaning of the title of Part 2?
  2. What is the importance of the “Dentrifice” commercial?
  3. Why does Montag go to see Faber? What does Faber tell Montag about books?
  4. What are the three things which Faber says are missing from society?
  5. Describe the parlor women, their views, their conversational concerns.
  6. Why does Montag read “Dover Beach” aloud to the ladies? How do the women react?


  1. The Meaning Of The Title Part 2 Is The Next Part Of The Situation That Went On In Part One .
    Montage Goes To See Faber Because He Has Stolen A Book And Wants Faber To Make Him Understand What He's Reading And Faber Explains To Him What Books Are About And How Things Happen In Them .

    1. I agree with you of why Montage went to see Faber.

  2. The title of part 2 means that it doesn't matter how much you're trying to change the world, it will not work unless it is supported by everyone as a whole.
    The three things that are missing from society are how important the books are, and books are important because they have quality, the leisure to digest it, and the right to carry out actions based on what we learn from the interaction of the first two.

    1. I agree thoroughly on your comments. I think that they are very good and thoughtful.

    2. I also agree full with you answers and that they are explained very well.

  3. 1. The meaning of the title of part two, "The Sieve and the Sand", represents that even if you try to change the world even a little bit, it will be extremely difficult to do. A sieve is a bucket with holes in it, so just like changing the world is difficult, it is also difficult to fill a sieve with sand.

    6. Montag read "Dover Beach" to the ladies, because he wanted to show them the books and reading is not that bad after all. He wanted to show them that books do have some meaning afterall. Their reaction of the reading was a little bit of crying, and they soon got mad of the fact that Montag had read them "Dover Beach".

    1. I agree with number six because thats all montag wanted to do.

    2. I agree with both answers,and I think they were explained very well.

  4. 1. The title means that you cant change something really big on your own. You would need help form other people to back you up. If you tried to change something on your own. People would look at you stupid because theres no way just one person can have all that power to change something that important to the people montage lives with.
    3. Montgae goes sees faber because he wanted to know what books are really here and what the meaning of books. Montage also wanted to know why do people not want booksnin theirnhome and why their not allowed to read books. Faber tells montage that books are really important and he explain what the reason books are really here.

    1. I completely agree with #1 you cant change big things by yourself

    2. I agree with your view in what the title means.

  5. #1 The title of part two of fahrenheit 451 means that it dose not matter how much your trying to change the world, it wont happen unless supported by other people as a whole.

    #3 Montage gose to see Faber because he has a book that was stolen and wanted to get a better understand about the book and to see what happens and gose on in it.

    1. For #3, I think he wanted to know about all of the books, just not one, bu all.

    2. I also agree with Coral, Montag wants to know about every book not just one book.

  6. 1.the title means that you can't just change something on your own. if you tried your would need help from friends and family to do that. montag tries to do that in the story but doesn't understand what he needs to do

    3. Montag goes to see Faber he has a book. He wanted to understand the book better to see what happens.

  7. 5. The women in the parlor were really focused on themselves. They were worried about anything that would please them and blocked the rest out. They also seemed ignorant to the world around them.

    6. I have no idea why he read Dover Beach. I think he thought it was a little romantic and wanted to show the women books can make you feel something other than anger, but it sort of back fired when the lady got really upset and started to cry.

  8. 3) Montag goes to see Faber to seek his help. What Faber tells montag about books is that how books were an importance in literature and to explain how humans exist.

    6) Montag reads Dover Beach out loud to the ladies just to show off in front of the women and prove a point. Well, but the reaction, one of the ladies cry, and the other one feels disgusted by the poem and thinks of Montag as nasty.

  9. Montag went to go see Faber to understand what the books were about. He wanted to find out more information about them. He knew that he was a English professor so he thought he would know more about books than anyone else. After faber told Montag about the books he understood the importance of them.
    The three things that Faber says that's missing from society are leisure to digest it, quality information. and the right to carry out actions.

  10. 3. Montag searched for Faber to find out what all of the books were about. montag wanted to know what were they for and what was the point of them. When Faber told Montag what the books were really all about he understood them much better.
    6. When Montag reads Dover Beach out load in the public, it shows that Montag has feelings for himslef. Montag shows his personality very well in 401. When he blurted out this comment, one the women got upset and the other one felt disgusted

  11. 1. The meaning of the title of part two, "The Sieve and the Sand", represents that even if you try to change the world even a little bit, it will be extremely difficult to do. A sieve is a bucket with holes in it, so just like changing the world is difficult, it is also difficult to fill a sieve with sand.

    6. Montag read "Dover Beach" to the ladies, because he wanted to show them the books and reading is not that bad after all. He wanted to show them that books do have some meaning afterall. Their reaction of the reading was a little bit of crying, and they soon got mad of the fact that Montag had read them "Dover Beach".

  12. Montage wanted to know the meaning of all the books and what were to reason for them. Montag read the story out loud because he wanted the ladies to feel encouraged and start reading books because they weren't bad at all but instead he got bad results one started crying and another was upset with him.

  13. 1. I think that the meaning of part 2 is the more you try to help the world the harder is or the faster it fails. For example when you try to fill a sieve with sand the faster all the sand falls out.

    2. I think the importance of the "Denterfrice" commercial was made so that people couldn't think with a catchy jingle in there head. When Montag was trying to think the Denterfrice advertisement kept going through his head.

  14. This assignment is now complete and as of 1/1/13 late assignments can no longer be submitted on this blog.
